Urgent bita ghaedi réfugiée iranienne expulsée d’angleterre
Catégorie : Global
Thèmes : Immigration/sans-papierEs/frontieresPrisons / Centres de rétention
(Iranian and Kurdish Women Right
Organisation) a soutenu Bita qui est sérieusement menacée de tomber victime
d’un crime « d’honneur » si elle retourne et est expulsée en Iran. Bita vient d’une famille
très traditionnelle dans une région où les crimes « d’honneur » sont
fréquents et où les assassins n’ont que rarement à faire face à de
véritables répercussions pour leurs crimes. Si elle est expulsée, elle sera
sans ressource et sans protection.*
*Elle est menacée d’expulsion vers l’Iran ce 20 avril à 19 heures heure
locale (18 heure en France) !!*
NationalCoalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns, Coalition Nationale des Campagnes
Contre les Expulsions) indique :
« Je me sens comme si ma vie allait finir. Je suis tellement terrifiée. Je
ne peux pas dormir la nuit, je pense que le service de l’immigration va
venir à tout moment pour m’emmener » (Bita Ghaedi).
Bita Ghaedi de Whetstone, Angleterre, s’est mise en grève de la faim parce
qu’elle est terrifiée d’être torturée et assassinée si elle est forcée de
retourner en Iran. L’asile lui a été refusé et on lui a dit qu’elle serait
Depuis son arrivée à Londres, elle a dû subir le traumatisme de
l’incarcération à la prison pour femmes d’Holloway, et a été à deux reprises
détenue au centre de rétention de Yarl’s Wood.
Cette femme de 34 ans a subi les coups et la torture psychologique de la
part de sa famille et elle serait pourchassée et assassinée par son père,
son frère et son oncle si elle devait retourner en Iran.
Le 19 avril, le site de la NCADC indique qu’elle est en grève totale de la
faim et de la soif.
La NCADC appelle à envoyer des messages de protestation pour s’opposer à son
expulsion au Home Office (service de l’immigration britannique) ainsi qu’à
la compagnie aérienne BMI pour demander qu’elle ne soit pas acceptée comme
passager :
-Home Office :
Alan Johnson MP (Home Secretary) –
Fax: 020 8760 3132
(00 44 20 8760 3132 pour des fax hors de la Grande-Bretagne)
Email: UKBApublicenquiries@UKBA.gsi.gov.uk
Lettre type à envoyer (en anglais) :
Rt. Hon Alan Johnson, MP
Secretary of State for the Home Office,
2 Marsham St London SW1 4DF
Fax: 020 8760 3132
Dear Mr Johnson,
Re: Bita Ghaedi HO Ref G1149090/5
I am writing in regards to Bita Ghaedi who is due to be forcibly removed
from UK to Iran on Tuesday 20th April 2010 on BMI flight BD931 at 19.00. I
have looked at Bita’s case and I am shocked the UK government is attempting
to deport her as this would surely violate her human rights.
I would urge you to look more closely at this case and overturn the decision
to remove. It is unbelievable that this woman is to be forcibly removed and
handed over to the authorities of the regime in Tehran.
Bita Ghaedi is a member of the British PMOI (Peoples Mojehadin of Iran) aka
the NCRI (National Council for the Resistance of Iran). She has been
campaigning in the UK on behalf of the PMOI to bring attention to political
prisoners and execution victims in Iran during the recent pro-democracy
unrest. The Iranian regime is currently engaged in the violent hunting down
of PMOI within Iran. In just the last week, the NCRI have reported that 15
prisoners have been hanged in four days in two cities in Iran.
Bita fled Iran to the UK in 2007 after enduring beatings and mental torture
at the hands of her family. If forced to return to Iran she could be hunted
down and killed by her father, brother and uncle who will want to appease
their sense of honour that their daughter refused to remain inside Iran in a
miserable marriage that was forced upon her.
Bita has been an active member of the UK community since her arrival in
2007. Aside from peaceful campaigning, she has married in the UK and she is
а professional IT technician and teacher.
We ask you to ensure that Bita Ghaedi remains in the UK. Despite the extreme
risk that Bita faces because of her peaceful participation in campaigning
within the UK and the dangers that await her at the hands of her male family
members, Bita has now been told by the UK Border Agency that her application
to remain in the UK is ‘without merit’.
There is extreme concern of the community that the Home Office is returning
vulnerable people to Iran when the documented experiences of those
previously removed demonstrate that they have been subjected to further
abuse by the authorities. On 9 March 2010 the European Court of Human Rights
ruled that deporting an Iranian asylum seeker from Sweden would expose him
to inhuman and degrading treatment and thus would violate Article 3 of the
European Convention on Human Rights. The judges ruled that he would possibly
be “detained and ill-treated” if returned, risking a repeat of the torture
he had previously suffered. The judges also observed that “several
organisations reporting on the situation in Iran noted an increase in human
rights violations in the country after the 2009 elections, including
excessive police force, arbitrary arrests, killings, ill-treatment of
detainees and the use of torture to obtain confessions. » For example, see
this report from Amnesty International on 30 March 2010:
Many people have signed an online petition in support of Bita:
There is a protest on the streets of London today, thousands of emails and
messages of protest are circulating around the world wide web. I am now
urging you as Home Secretary to stop this forced removal release Bita from
detention, and grant her sanctuary in the UK.
Yours sincerely,
Nom – Prénom – Adresse – Ville – Organisation – Date
-Direction de la Compagnie Aérienne BMI*
Wolfang Prock-Schauer
BMI Chief Executive
Fax: 01332 854875
Fax (hors de Grande-Bretagne) : +44 1332 854875
Des réclamations peuvent aussi être laissées à cette adresse :
clients de BMI)
Lettre-type (en anglais) :
Wolfang Prock-Schauer
BMI Chief Executive
Donnington Hall
Castle Donnington
Derby, DE74 2SB
Fax: 01332 854875
Fax from outside UK: +44 1332 854875
Dear Mr Prock-Schauer
I am writing in regards to Bita Ghaedi who is due to be forcibly removed
from UK to Iran on Tuesday 20th April 2010 on BMI flight BD931 at 19.00.
Home Office reference number is G1149090/5.
Having looked at Bita’s case I am shocked the UK government is attempting to
deport her as it would surely be а violation of her human rights. I am also
shocked that BMI would accept a passenger who is ill from hunger strike, and
being taken against her will to certain imprisonment and torture at the
hands of the regime in Iran.
Bita fled Iran to the UK in 2007 after enduring beatings and mental torture
at the hands of her family. If forced to return to Iran she could be hunted
down and killed by her father, brother and uncle who will want to appease
their sense of honour that their daughter refused to remain inside Iran in a
miserable marriage that was forced upon her.
In the UK Bita has become a member of the British PMOI (Peoples Mojehadin of
Iran) aka the NCRI (National Council for the Resistance of Iran). She has
been campaigning in the UK on behalf of the PMOI to bring attention to
political prisoners and execution victims in Iran during the recent
pro-democracy unrest. The Iranian regime is currently engaged in the violent
hunting down of PMOI within the domestic Iran. In just the last week, the
NCRI have reported that 15 prisoners have been hanged in four days in two
cities in Iran.
Bita is extremely distressed about being returned to her country and has
been on hunger strike, not taking food or water, while in detention in
Yarl’s Wood because she is terrified of being tortured and killed if she is
forced to return to Iran either at the hands of her family or the
On 9 March 2010 the European Court of Human Rights ruled that deporting an
Iranian asylum seeker from Sweden would expose him to inhuman and degrading
treatment and thus would violate Article 3 of the European Convention on
Human Rights. The judges ruled that he would possibly be “detained and
ill-treated” if returned, risking a repeat of the torture he had previously
suffered. The judges also observed that “several organisations reporting on
the situation in Iran noted an increase in human rights violations in the
country after the 2009 elections, including excessive police force,
arbitrary arrests, killings, ill-treatment of detainees and the use of
torture to obtain confessions. » For more on the current situation, see this
report from Amnesty International on 30 March 2010:
Bita has been an active member of the UK community since her arrival in
2007. Aside from peaceful campaigning, she has married in the UK and she is
а professional IT technician and teacher.
I am requesting that you exercise your compassion and use your powers to
refuse to accept this passenger. BMI should refrain from the business of
carrying passengers who are not physically or mentally fit for long-haul
travel and who face imminent life threatening danger upon being forcibly
returned to а country. The authorities in Iran cannot promise to protect
Bita from her male family members or the government. Therefore, making her
fly is а callous disregard for her Human Rights. It is regrettable that an
airline should co-operate in the forced removal of such individuals to
I am not alone in my support of Bita, but am in solidarity with thousands of
others who are campaigning to stop this flight.
Yours sincerely
Nom – Adresse – Ville et Code Postal
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