Grece les flics et fasciste ensemble agressent une manifestation
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Les seul medias qui on relatés les faits sont les indymedias grecs et les blogs militants, pas une seule nouvelle de cette lâche agression fasciste n’a été évoquée par la presse y compris de « gauche » encore moins pas les radios et les tv nationales toutes inféodées au pouvoir
Greek police cooperate with fascists to burn alive immigrants and anarchist comrades !!! After the violent attack demonstration, police aimed with guns the crowd threating of shooting at Patision avenue !!!! This was happened yesterday(7/7/09) at a 3.000 people Anarchist black block demonstration for solidarity to immigrants and against the brutal European policy that take place there at the eastern edge of E.E. …
The only media that publicize the whole fact until now is greek indymedia site (and blogs) , the other television and radio media just don’t refer the demonstration like never happened… Here in greece the next authority murder is just mater of time…
At time of the facts the crowd was yelling: “cops – fascists – TV all bastards working together” and “At the mines of Evros, at the bottom of Aegean sea (greek-turkish borders) the europian security is builded…”
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